Sony Walkman Turns 30

Nowadays, you can carry with you hundreds and even thousand of music that you play using those cute music players like the Apple Ipod. But during my time, this music world has been well dominated by Sony’s Walkman. And next month, Sony Walkman will be turning 30.

I can still remember, I have been really begging my parents to buy me a Sony Walkman as it was a status symbol during my time. Would you imagine that when it was first release, it costs around $200 (yes it was really that expensive and during those times $200 is a big amount of money already.) That is why I was so happy when finally, my dad granted my wish and bought me one when he returned from his work abroad.

It has been my travel companion (along with the dozens of tapes that I listen to. LOL.) I also use it to record those voice tapes that we send to my dad when he was working abroad. Indeed the Sony Walkman was my number one gadget during that time. And did you know that Sony Walkman tops the list of Top 50 Gadgets of the past 50 years. Cool.

To Sony Walkman, happy anniversary and you are one of the reasons why I enjoyed my teenage life and for that my warmest thank you!!

Picture snagged from

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