Is it Worth to Whistle? » My Stand on Whistle Blowing

If the intent of the whistle blower is indeed pure (that he is not doing this out of revenge or out of money), then I admire his act. The act of whistle blowing is a serious matter as it may affect not only his life, but the life of the people around the whistle blower. To be able to sacrifice his life to reveal and correct something unethical and illegal is indeed admirable.

But have they proven to be effective as regards the system? Sadly, in the Philippine setting, I don’t think whistle blowing is effective. A recent example is the case of Navy Lt. Nancy Gadian where she revealed that there was a misuse of funds from the joint US-Phillipine Balikatan military exercises. Because of our corrupt government system, we can all predict what is going to happen with Gadian’s revelations – that it will all just go to waste as the accused will not be punished and this might just be forgotten after new issues surface.

But I think the effort of whistleblowers is still worth all their trouble. With their revelations, those doing illegal things might at least think twice before committing the same wrong doings again and at least he has fulfilled his duty as an individual to at least try to correct the unlawful act that he has witnessed by revealing it to the public.

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