Waiting for Good News

Wednesday, January 19. It is my birthday and it is also the date when the result for our housing loan application will be released. The appraiser already visited the house that we are buying plus our property in Bulacan and we know that the appraised value for the two properties is enough already so we can loan the amount that we need to purchase the new property that we are eyeing.

I am excited and scared in a way. Excited since finally we will have our own house. No more renting and this will be the house where our kids will grow old. Scared since we did the math and our monthly salary is just adequate to support the basic needs of our family plus the monthly amortization for the house. I don’t even think that we will have a budget to buy new furniture and appliances that is why I am just thinking to have microfiber upholstery fabric for our sofa just to give it a new look that will match the color scheme of our new house.

But my husband and I agreed that it is about time that we buy a house in Manila. We spend a lot of money paying for the rent instead of using it to pay for our own house. So we are just praying hard that we can make this work for our kids.

So wish us luck and hopefully we will get a good news tomorrow.

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