Bad News

Oh no, I just received a shocking news about my childhood friend. Her daughter who is only three years old was diagnosed with leukemia. The kid has to undergo chemo therapy to help her battle the disease. Just thinking about it makes me feel really sad for the child and my friend. My prayers go to their family and I hope that they will be able to surpass this.

That is why my husband and I have been really conscious of our health. Of course we want to live longer for our kids. We know a lot of our close friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer and so Big C is one of our biggest fears.

Right now we are trying to watch what we eat, we are taking colonetix to take care of our colon, we stay away from bad vices like smoking and alcohol, and we promise that we will try to do some exercise.

I hope and pray that my friend’s daughter will get better soon and I hope that nothing like this will ever happen to my family.

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