Spell June: B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y-S

June is the month where majority of my family members are celebrating their birthday:

June 10: My sister Vj
June 19: My cousin Aliah
June 21: My brother Jp and Jacobo
June 30: My grand mother, Lydia

We just had a small party at my grand mother’s house yesterday to celebrate the birthday of my cousin, and tomorrow we are having a party again to celebrate the birthday of my brother and my son. (This reminds me that I should wrap the xbox and xbox 360 hdmi cable that I bought online as our gift to my brother). My aunt for sure will cook something for the occasion and I will just order cake for my brother and my son.

After tomorrow, the next celebration will be grandest as it is the birthday of our favorite grand mother (who all took care of us when we were kids), my Nanay Lydia.

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