Wedding in 2012

Just a few months to go and it will be the wedding of my cousin. We all can’t wait, as it has been six years since we last have a wedding in the family. My daughter will be one of the flower girls and I think my boy will be one of the bearers too so all the more I am excited for this wedding.

Another reason why I am excited is I can’t wait to get baby shower invitations for the new babies that will be added to our family. My grand mother has now four greet grand kids and I am sure she is thrilled to have more.

Everything is almost all set for the wedding, as both the couple are hands on when it comes to the preparation. They will have a vintage theme so I can’t wait to shop for the outfit that my husband and me will be wearing for the wedding.

Hope it is March 2012 already. Now who says I am excited?

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