On Marriage and Infidelity

I am a member of one of the forum for married couples where we share anything about married life, parenting, and just about anything under the sun. Lately, I have been reading post about issues of infidelity that some even led to separation and divorce. Well I guess, if the couples relationship and strong from the very beginning, it will be difficult to be shaken by any kind of trials and test.

But it is just sad to think that things like this happen. There are a lot of temptations around and a lot of issues that couples can disagree with and the possibility of divorce and separation is really possible. Just take a look at Kim Kardashian who filed divorce after being married for just 72 days with his basketball player husband, Kris.

That is why I really look upon couples that last and were able to be with each other through thick and thin. Couples like them who reach even just silver anniversary really deserve to celebrate and treat each other with gifts like this nice 25th anniversary gifts from Red Envelope:

For my marriage, I wish that we not only to last until our silver or golden anniversary but I hope that our love will last forever and I know that if we just put God at the center of our relationship, it is really possible.

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