Breakfast with Santa: A Project Pearls Program

My friend Peachy is a Project Pearls Volunteer and Supporter. Project Pearls is the organization helping the families living in Ulingan village in Tondo.

I will be joining my friend and his husband this Saturday for the Christmas party that Project Pearls is organizing for the families in Ulingan. They call the project “Breakfast with Santa” as the party will start at 7:30 AM and they will be giving out Noche Buena packs for each of the family.

There will be 460 kids joining the party on Saturday and my friend and I are thinking what to share for the loot bags that they will be giving to the kids. I found a yo yo factory online and I am thinking to order yo yos as our small gift for the 460 kids in Ulingan.

We haven’t finalized yet what to buy but my husband and I are sure to be joining this party. I met the kids of Ulingan one time and ever since I religiously checked their Face book page to get updates on programs and projects that Project Pearls is organizing for them. I really wanted to extend my own little help and I think my attendance on Saturday, as a volunteer is my first step in achieving that.

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