InfoSurv's Employee Engagement: Apple's Savior Back in the '80s

Mercurial: as defined by Merriam Webster, characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood. This is how some employees from Apple usually describe Steve Jobs, especially by those who have worked closely with him.

If they were to conduct, employee surveys, management would not be happy with the result as some employees might not give good feedback because some of them really can’t stand the work practice and etiquette of Steve Jobs. That is why there are some who resigned from Apple as they can’t stand the pressure and the “reality distortion field” that Steve Jobs is creating in Apple.

These are just some of the insights that I am getting as I read through the Autobiography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson. Steve really has no skill when it comes to employee engagement as he can really be rude sometimes as he speaks his heart out about his observations on the project that they are developing.

But I guess this just goes to show how passionate he is with his work. Some say that the pressure that Steve has given them has made them pushed themselves to their limit and so they were able to create amazing and innovative product like the Macintosh.

Apple is a big name now in the Information Technology field, big thanks goes to Steve Jobs for his brilliance. I guess Apple could just have hired Infosurv instead of ousting Steve from Apple back then, so Infosurv can help them better manage their company by producing happy employees.

Infosurv is a company that provides online market research, employee surveys and more and this could have been Apple’s savior back then when everything was in chaos for the Apple company. But I guess, Apple bounced back and was able to recover from their mistakes in the past. Let us see now how they will continue to be successful now that Steve Jobs is gone.

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