On 7th Birthday Party

Have you attended a 7th birthday party recently? When I was a kid, I remember my 7th birthday was just held in our garage, with spaghetti, hotdog with marshmallows, and roast pig. But now 7th birthdays are so different than the simple celebrations that I grew up with when I was a kid. Now they have lighted dance floor, LED Wall, acrylic stage, pyrotechnic displays and more.

My daughter will be turning 7 this coming November. We have attended birthday parties where there are LED walls and lighted dance floor and since she is aware now of what she wants, she is involve with the planning and preparations and she told me that she wanted an opening door stage (that’s her term for the LED Wall. LOL) for her party.

But there is no way I will spend 5 figures to rent an LED Wall for a 7th birthday party. My husband was joking that we can just put curtains with pulleys and will just designate a member of our family to pull the pulley to create an effect of an opening door for the stage. LOL.

But I know, with or without an LED wall, my daughter will still enjoy the party that we are planning for her. Kids are just simple and it will not cost me an arm and a leg to make her feel happy and special on her birthday.

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