Hotels in the Metro Promo?

We have a lot of celebrations happening in January. It is my and hubby’s birthday plus it is also on this month when we celebrate our anniversary.

My birthday is coming soon but we still have no definite plans yet on what to do or where to go. It falls on a weekend so hubby is suggesting that we go out of town but with my condition, since I am 5 months pregnant, I am not sure if I am up for a long drive.

Of course I can’t rely on hubby to do the research. I can count on him to find information about Reid ball plungers or NBA scores or who’s the leading now in tennis, but when it comes to planning for our travel, it is me who is always in charge.

I am on the look out for promos for hotels in the metro so maybe we can just have a staycation. My kids want to stay in H20 hotel so please holler me if you find any good deals.

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