What now?

Now that the semester is over (finally I was able to submit all the requirements. Thanks to my hubby who helped me finish all my paper work specially during those times when I was sick, I was swamped with work, or I am just plain lazy), so what is next now for me and hubby?

During the semester I learned that:

1. Even if we are enrolled in an online learning program, it still takes a lot of our time. We have one subject where we have to participate in the weekly discussion board as it is part of the grading system.
2. Our professor still uses different styles in delivering the online course. I have one professor who just posted the course handouts in the portal and we did not hear from him ever since. I did not even see him post a schedule for the finals in the portal, and for first timers like us, we are really lost as to how to go about with taking the final exams. But maybe, since it is graduate program, they really expect us to be on our own specially it is an online course so professors are supposed o be non-existent.
3. I graduated from a state university also and I realized that all other state universities are the same– they all lack organization.
4. There is no way I can survive one semester with three subjects if I have a full time job and I even have other sidelines.

So what’s next for us? Hubby and I decided that we will take a leave of absence this semester. It is the holiday season, a time to have fun with the family so this means lots of gimmicks, lot of get together, and lots of expenses. So I will need a time off from studies this semester as I don’t want to ruin my holiday season because I have to study and finish my paper works and I will really need all the time for my sideline to earn extra for all the expenses that I will incur this holiday season.

So no school for us this coming semester. Let’s see if we will find the drive to enroll again next school year. LOL.

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