Working from Starbucks

Hubby knows that there is no way that I will be doing our final exams as I really lost interest in finishing this semester for our Masteral degree. And since he loves me so much (LOL), he offered to do my Final Exam which means he has to do two versions since he needs to make two papers (one for him and one for me).

We were all dressed in our PJs already but then hubby requested for a Caramel Frapuccino from Starbucks and he said that he wants to work there. If you will ask me, I would rather work in a quiet environment. But who am I to complain? I don’t have to do anything anyways but to enjoy my Frapuccino and my strawberry Belgian Waffle. LOL.

So off we went to Starbucks. We stayed there for more than an hour and hubby was able to finish ¼ of my paper. I love you daddy for doing this. I really owe you big time.

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