Looking Forward To....

One of the things that I am looking forward to next week will be my last hoorah, my last adventure before I go back to work. Since Jacobo is just two months old, we can’t go anywhere far. So even if I wanted an overnight stay in one of the nice resorts in Batangas, I don’t think it will be possible since Jacobo is still too young for long distance travel like that.

So our solution: a quick weekend getaway to one of the hotels here in the city. We have done this a number of time before when I was still pregnant with Jacobo since I can’t travel too because I was advised to have a bed rest and every time, it was always a fun adventure for us.

So for the long weekend of August 28-29, we booked an overnight stay at Sofitel. For sure B will not pass the opportunity in enjoying the nice pool of the hotel. Good thing they have a kiddie pool so hubby and I will not be forced to swim as B can enjoy the pool on her own. But if I am not 15 pounds heavier, I would definitely take a dip too. (But I am actually trying out apidexin and hopefully it will work miracles for me to help me shed off my excess fat and I will be back in my pre-pregnancy weight in no time).

The overnight stay that we got was actually a complimentary stay since I just signed up for a one year membership to Advantage Plus and Sofitel is one of their accredited hotels. The membership even comes with 50% discount every time we dine it at Spiral so we are really looking forward to it.

I was just browsing my friend’s pictures when they went there a couple of months ago and I can’t help but be excited for our stay there next weekend.

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