We have heard and read talks about global warming and no doubt that it is a very alarming situation that calls for our action. That is why our company has initiated Go Green projects that can help conserve energy consumption in our office which in turn can help save the environment.

Our Green Team Environment Committee just submitted a report that we already save around 30% of our energy consumption and now they are looking at more ways on how to conserve energy. One of the ways that they want to implement is by getting the service of Servidyne to help us with our LEED EB Certification. Having a higher LEED EB certification can bring higher savings for the company that is why our company is aiming to get certified soon.

Servidyne engineers have the knowledge and tools to help our company implement green building practices and activities to help us conserve energy and water consumption. This is a win-win scenario since our company will be able to save on operating expenses for electricity and water consumption and at the same time our company is doing our share in helping to conserve the environment.

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