For a Meaningful Christmas

Do you want to have a meaningful Christmas? Then if you do, you may want to check out how you can help with our advocacy.

I am one of the volunteers of Project Pearls, a non-profit organization who is helping out the community in Ulingan. We have a lot of outreach programs in Ulingan like our weekly feeding, brain booster activities, medical missions and more.

We are thankful for all our sponsors for 2012 which help us financed our outreach programs. We were even able to buy new classroom desk for our pre-schoolers, fund the permanent roofing at our day-care center and there is even more projects lined up for the coming year.

You can check out our website at so you can get more information on how you can help.

Get Involved. Advocate. Share. Contribute.Anyone can help. Anyone can make a difference.

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