Chocolates and Sweets Overload

As I posted on my other blog, hubby bought me my favorite nama chocolate from Royce last week. I am still not finish devouring on this delicious chocolate when my best friend who just came back from Singapore visited me the other night and brought packs and packs of chocolates also. Then today, hubby went home with lots of goodies from Laguna like pastillas, broas, buko pie, polvoron, etc after their section’s team building exercise there.

I just had an upset stomach since yesterday so I haven’t touched these goodies yet but I am sure as soon as I feel okay, I will be needing the diet pills for women as I will surely gain weight after I am finish consuming all of these sweet treats.

Looks like temptation has a way to follow me no matter how hard I try to avoid them. I might deliver via Caesarian section anyways so I don’t think there is a need for me to watch my diet. LOL.

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