Making Progress

I am so happy because it has been a productive weekend for us. Though hubby was not able to work on his little project for our room renovation last Saturday and Sunday since we have errands and appointments, he was able to make it up last Monday.

It is his holiday from work because it is Memorial Day and so he woke up early to start cleaning our second room where we will be moving. When he is done packing some of our stuffs there, he went to our house in Bulacan together with my dad and two helpers to bring our things there and do a major clean up too of our house there.

Hubby was really happy with their accomplishments as they were able to dispose old cabinets, old beds, remove old curtains, change the lock of the doors, and do a major clean up of the house. Now we just have to buy a new bed and mattress for one of the rooms there so we have a place to sleep if we want to spend our weekends there.

They reached Manila round 6 Pm and hubby just ate snack and went to SM with my mom and B to buy a new aircon for our new room. The aircon will be delivered tomorrow but my dad already fixed the brace on where the aircon will be installed.

Finally, hubby is making progress. I can’t wait to see our stuff move into the second room which is much bigger than the room that we are occupying now.

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