Living Healthy

Hubby and I have been talking lately and we promised to each other that we will really start living healthy and live a health conscious life. It is not for us but for our children so we can live long enough to witness our kids grow.

One of the steps that we will be taking to accomplish this goal is to have a fitness equipment at home. Hubby enrolled in a fitness program in the gym near their office but since he is busy and he prefers to be at home with his kids, he rarely goes to the gym to exercise. So having a fitness equipment at home will really be a big help in getting hubby to do his exercise.

Next is we are looking at South Beach diet which some of my friends have tried before and they say it really worked. They found a store which can deliver food to us everyday so we will be sure that we will really follow the diet.

I am really glad that hubby initiated this healthy living project and hope that we can really stick by it.

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