Looking Forward

As we plan for the renovation of our house, we asked my uncle’s help since he’s an expert when it comes to this because he is an architect. We described to him what we want for our house and the he drew a proposal for the structure and the materials needed.

When I saw the design, I instantly liked it for that’s exactly what I want for our dream house. He provided a space for the Sunrooms Richmond that I’ve been requesting to hubby that’s why I became more excited. I even specified to him that I prefer Doors Richmond or a full glass door, depending on the theme and style of the house.

Ever since I saw the plan, I decided to search further for Home Improvement Richmond because I know that we’ll be able to get the best services here. I am so excited for the renovation but I still have to wait for at least a year since we still have to deal with the budget.

Weekend with My Family

Hubby has been very busy lately regarding our house in our province. Every weekend, he goes there to transfer some of our things and he’s also applying a new line for the electricity and water supply.

This coming weekend, he’s planning to go back there again and have a general cleaning so that when we all go there, the place will be clean and it will be more comfortable for us to stay there especially to our kids. He is even looking for carpet cleaning Vienna VA to make sure that the carpet will be dust and germ free since the kids often stay there to play. The good thing about this is that there cleaning process is very safe and effective that’s why hubby insists that we should really look for it.

I am looking forward to have a weekend there with my family since the place is so peaceful and relaxing. I definitely need to have a break because ever since I went back to work, I got so many duties and tasks to finish, which are so stressful for me. So I hope hubby will be able to fix everything before we plan to visit there again.

Artscow Promo: 8x8 Photo Book

Have you heard about cissus quadrangularis? My cousin is asking me about it and I have no clue how to answer her question so I told her that I have to do some research first.

But before I do that, let me share here first another great offer from Artscow. They are throwing away for free six 20-paged 8” x 8” hardcover photo book credits plus an extra two 39-paged editions. All you have to pay for is the shipping and you can create six great photo books for all those pictures just sitting in your hard disk.

But you have to hurry as you should be able to enter this credit by tomorrow which is valid for use for 30 days. I just added it under my Credits and Discounts and I am hoping that I can find the time to create my photo books for all the travel pictures that we have accumulated through the years.

To avail of this promo, just use the following code:

Coupon Code: EIGHTBKS
Expiration date: September 21, 2010
Validity: 30 days


Who would have thought that a simple solution to acne problems can lead to serious illnesses like Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and ulcerative colitis . This has been the findings of FDA with the medicine called Accutane.

Accutane is used to treat cystic acne but it was proven that in taking this medicine, it will increase the possibility of contracting inflammatory bowel diseases. These illnesses are no joke as it cause an individual cramping, pain, diarrhea, bleeding, and frequent bowel movements.

It is not the fault of those who took Accutane if they contracted these diseases so it is just right that they get compensation from the makers of Accutane for the damages that this medicine has caused them. Those individuals can file for a Accutane Lawsuit and the lawyers of O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath can help them with that. They are a team of experienced and competent lawyers who can help victims of Accutane file for injury claims.

So if you have contracted any of the inflammatory diseases caused by taking Accutane, then contact O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath law firm now so they can help you with your injury claim.

Del Monte Kitchenomics Culinary Program

I always wanted to attend any of the cooking classes offered by Del Monte Kitchenomics but the venue is far from our place and our weekends are always filled with activities for our kids.

But if you have the time and is really interested to learn some tricks and tips on how to prepare easy to cook, affordable and sumptuous meals, then you should check out any one of these classes being offered by Del Monte Kitchenomics for this month:

Cooking 101 for Helpers
P 2,600
Class schedule: September 18 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Have helpers learn basic home food safety and how to cook old time family favorites with some twists.
Dishes that will be taught: Arroz Valenciana, Lengua, Hamonado, Cocido, Rellenong Bangus

On The House: Healthy Breakfast
Class schedule: September 24 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Reawaken your appetite for breakfast with these delicious breakfast fare.
Dishes that will be taught: Chicken Tapa Slices, Homemade Granola Fruit Crunch, Easy Corn and Tuna Rounds

It's a Date: Couples Gourmet
P 3,600/PAIR
Class schedule: September 25 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Set a date with a loved one and prepare an easy but stylish feast.

On cancer

Hubby received a very bad news yesterday when he learned that the husband of a close friend died from Mesothelioma cancer. The widow is the former teacher of my husband and my mother-in-law’s colleague. She is also one of our principal sponsors during our wedding.

Hubby will be dropping by later at the funeral to send our condolences and pay our last respect to our friend. I wanted to go with him but nobody will be left behind with our kids.

Every time I hear cancer, it makes me really scared and paranoid as two of my relatives died from cancer. Our children is still small and every parent would want to see their kids grow up, have their own family and succeed in life and so our prayers has always been to keep us healthy so we will be able to fulfil our dreams and watch our kids grow up to be fine individuals.

Good Investment: Gold

I just viewed my bank statement online and I was surprised to find out at how little interest our deposited money has gained. This really convinced me that if you have extra cash, it is really not wise to just let it sit on bank as it will not earn that much.

Because of this, I did some research and I discovered that gold investment is the best form of investment now. Unlike other forms of investment where there is a risk that its value might depreciate, gold is a very secure form of investment as it is not affected by the fall of the economy. It is also universally accepted so it can be easily converted to cash. Its storage won’t be a problem too as it can easily stored in a safety deposit box at home or it can stored for safe keeping in a local bank.

Now that we have extra money, my husband and I agreed that it will be wise to just invest it in gold like gold coin rather than have it sit idly in bank.

For Xmas & New Year

Those who have fast metabolism are very lucky as they don’t have problems in burning those unwanted fat. But I heard there is a way to increase metabolism. But before I find thermogenic fat burners on the net, let me just share this important Promo Announcement from Cebu Pacific that I just received today in my Twitter account.

They are having a P99 Holiday seat sale on all their domestic destinations and the travel date is from Dec 24 – 25, 2010 and December 31, 2010 to January 1, 2011.

I always wanted to go out of town during New Year’s Eve but everything is expensive during this time from the airfare to the hotel accommodations. But with this promo, I am hoping that we will finally be able to spend our New Year’s Eve in Boracay or Bohol while we watch the fireworks display while seating on our beach chair and enjoying the buffet dinner at the hotel.

Selling period is until September 20, 2010 only or until seats last. So hurry, grab your seats now.

Artscow Promo: Cosmetic Bags

Tita Jie

And these are just some of my relatives and colleagues from work who are in my Chrismas shopping list. So I was really happy when I saw in my mail that early Christmas promo of Artscow.

I can personalize three cosmetic bags for a whopping price of only $8 which comes with free door-to-door delivery. I am sure my girlfriends will really feel special and pampered if they receive their own unique and personalized cosmetic bags where they can put all their kikay stuff.

To avail of this promo, just use the following coupon code:

Coupon Code: 3COSMETIC8
Expiration Date: October 2, 2010

On Lucky Charms & Gold

I have always been a believer of lucky charms and talisman that brings good fortune. Just like last Chinese New Year, I bought a lot of lucky charms and DZI bracelets to bring luck to our home and to our family so we can be blessed financially.

But one should not just rely on lucky charms if they want to be secured financially. That is why my husband and I have been doing some readings also as we wanted to make investment in gold coins as we heard that it is a very solid and secure form of investment.

I visited the site of United States Gold Bureau and I was able to gather a lot of information about gold investment. I learned that gold is really a very good way to preserve one’s wealth as it does not depreciate in time.

Because of this I immediately contacted their hard asset professionals and requested for information on how we can start with our gold investment.

Planning a Baby Shower

My good friend from high school will be giving birth this coming December and we want to give her a baby shower. So how do you plan a Baby Shower?

First is we have to decide on the theme of the shower. I searched the Internet and I found a lot of great themes that is perfect for a baby shower. The decorations will then be based on the theme of the shower.

Then we have to make a guest list to determine how many will be invited. The number of guests is really important as this will be the basis for the size of the venue that we need for the party.

We also need to find unique baby shower invitations that we will be sending out to guests at least two to three weeks before the event so the guests will have enough time to fix their schedule.

The food of course is very important so we need to decide also if we will just have the party at a restaurant or have food catering.

To make the party lively, there should be fun games that all the guest can enjoy. The Internet is also the best source of fun baby shower games.

I am so excited already because I know that my good friend will really feel surprise and happy with the baby shower that we will be giving her daughter.

Hair Talk

While my sister needs shampoo for thinning hair as she is experiencing hair loss, my hair is the exact opposite of my sister’s. My hair is so thick and full that it needs to be ironed or blow dried every morning.

I kept my hair long when I got pregnant as I know that I can’t have hair treatments like rebonding while I am pregnant and while breastfeeding. At least if I have a long hair, I can just tie it and it will be easier to manage for me. But I got tired of this hair style which I have been sporting for months now and so I went to a salon last week and had a haircut.

The hair stylist gave my hair a layered style and I was really happy with how it looks when I went out of the salon. But things change the next day as my unruly hair is back. In fairness to the hair stylist, she really told me that I have to iron my hair everyday if I want to maintain the nice layered look. But I don’t have the luxury of time and the patience to do it every morning (especially since I am always running late in the morning).

I guess I really have no choice but to have hair treatment but it has to wait until Jacobo is one year old already because I might start to wean him by that time therefore I can have my much needed hair rebonding treatment.

Artscow Promo: Memory Cards, USB Hub, Camera Case

We must admit that we all live in a very high tech age and we all have different gadgets that we enjoy and can make our life easy as well. That is why Artscow has released a promo perfect for all gadget lovers out there.

You can personalize USB hubs, memory cards, camera cases during this promo. You can get memory card reader for just $7.99, a 4-port USB hub for just $3.99 and a camera leather case for jus $5.99. All of this comes with free shipping also.

This can also be a perfect gift this Christmas so why not start now in personalizing these great gadget accessories so you can start your Christmas shopping early.

To avail of this promo, just use the following code:

Coupon Code: DCTECHNO
Expiration: September 25, 2010-09-17


This week is a very good week for me as I received tons of work for my sideline. Since I am already back to work, this means I can only do sideline work when I reached home, when Jacobo and Bela is already is sleeping. This means that I can only start working around 10 PM already. And with the bulk of work that I need to finish, I will surely sleep late again from now until next week so I am sure I will have acne breakouts again. Thankfully I found a site where I can purchase acne treatments as recommended by experts (click here to be redirected to the site).

Though I know that I will have sleepless nights for the coming days, I am really thankful as I really need the extra cash as I have a lot of payment dues for this month. And thanks to my sideline, I am only short by a few hundred bucks to reach my earnings quota for this month.

Comments: Used Cell Phones

I am the type of individual who doesn’t want to splurge much on gadgets. That is why I got really excited upon reading your post. Thanks for sharing information about usedcellphoneshop.com. At least now, I know where to buy affordable but quality used cell phones.

Change of Heart

I am always having second thoughts when it comes to investing our money as I know that every investment pose a big risks. Like if we want to invest on a business, we will never be really sure if we will be able to get our investment as we don’t know if the business will boom or not. So instead of taking the risk, I would rather just let our money sit in the bank.

But we know that our money is really stagnant if we just let it sit in the bank as banks only offer a small amount of interest for every penny that we deposited. So my husband has been doing some readings and he discovered about gold investment.

Gold is a very solid investment as its value doesn’t easily drop and it might even increase its value in time. There is no need to spend so much time in a lot of paper work and physical work like if we invest in a business as all we need to do is contact any of their hard asset professionals if we wish to purchase gold coins and they will do all the work for us.

After learning about gold investment, it really changed my mindset about investment as we now found a low-risk type of investment where our hard-earned money will be preserve safely and securely.

Cebu Pac Seat Sale


I always dreamed of visiting another country to experience winter as it is really a new experience for someone who lives in a tropical country so Korea and Japan are on my list of places that I want to visit. And now is the perfect timing to book our tickets as Cebu Pacific is offering a seat sale for travel to South Korea and Japan. For only P2,899 Go Lite’ seat sale you can travel from for Manila-Seoul (Incheon), Cebu-Seoul (Incheon) and Cebu-Busan anytime from November 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011. This is valid for booking made until September 12 only.
The Manila-Osaka seats are also on sale for ‘Go’ fare of P3,999 only. Travel period is from November 1, 2010 to January 31, 2011 also.

Aside from international flights, Cebu Pacific is also offering seat sale for their flight to Cebu to Bacolod, Dipolog, Dumaguete, Iloilo and from Manila to Laoag for only P99 ‘Go Lite’ seats. You can also book a flight from Cebu to Butuan, Clark, Davao, General Santos, and Legaspi for an affordable rate of P499 ‘Go Lite’ seats. Travel period if from November 1 to December 31, 2010.

For my Dad

After the sudden death of my mother-in-law because of cancer, my husband and I became more health conscious. Our kids are still young and so we can’t afford to get sick as our ultimate dream is to watch them grow and even have their own family.

But now I am worried too about my dad because I must say that he is a chain smoker. We tried everything that we can to convince him to quit. I even used my daughter to black mail my dad so he will stop smoking. But since it is part of his system already, I know it will be difficult for him to quit just like that. He needs to do it slowly so his body will not be shocked too of the sudden withdrawal from cigarettes.

One of the options that we thought of is letting him use one of those electronic cigarettes. It is a healthier option as it has no nicotine and it even has a flavor so he can smoke all he wants without hurting his lungs. Then slowly he can start his withdrawal from using the real cigarette.

It will really be a great challenge for us to convince our dad to stop smoking as he can really be stubborn sometimes especially when we are talking about his health. But we will really do all that we can to make him stop as we also wish for him to see his grand children grow.


We bought a house and lot from someone close to us five years ago. We actually have no plans of purchasing a house and lot that time as we just got married so we don’t have much savings yet. But since this individual badly needs to sell the house as she needs the money to pay for their other house, we tried all that we could, get a loan and then bought the house from them. It was a win-win scenario for both of us as we were able to acquire an investment and we were able to help that person save her other house where all her kids are living.

But after five years, we have been hearing bad comments from the previous owner of the house and lot and now she is saying that the 400 sq meters still belongs to her and she wants to sell it. I don’t know if she is crazy or just desperate as she badly needs a big amount of money again, but it is clear in the dead of the sale and the land title, which we were able to legally transfer to us, that what she sold us five years ago was 1,000 sq meters of lot and not 600 sq meter as what she is claiming now.

Hubby was telling me that I should not be worried as we have all the legal documents and we did everything legally so she can’t do anything. But I told hubby that we should have a fence built around the house to mark its demarcation and storage and garage sheds like the metal building that I saw from the American Steel Span website so nobody can trespass our property.

I was really fuming mad as she won’t stop calling us asking us about the 400 sq meters that she wants to claim back so she can sell it. Well I guess she is really going crazy already and I should not bother worrying about people who already lost their minds.

Finest Timepieces from Lussori

A great dress or suit needs a great accessory to complement it with and a fine time piece is a great accessory that will complement any type of clothing you wear. And if you are looking for fine time pieces that has outstanding craftsmanship, elegant and is something that you will not find in mass production, then IWC Watches is the watch for you.

IWC Watches is available at Lussori. Lussori is the authorized distributor of the finest and rarest timepieces in the world. They have been in the business for more than ten year snow which just goes to show how credible they are. Their store is located in Main Street in downtown Los Altos, CA and they are also known for their excellent customer service as they have in house certified watchmakers, gemologists and custom jewelers who are always ready to serve their most precious clients.

So if you want an accessory that will make you stand out in a crowd, then IWC Watches from Lussori is what you need.

Artscow Promos: Sleep Masks & Cushion Cases

Here is another list of Artscow promos:

1. Fun Personalized Sleep Masks

Are you planning to go on vacation soon? If you are one of those individuals who find it difficult to sleep on a flight, then this promo from Artscow is right for you. For just $5.99, you can personalize not one, but two sleeping masks and it even comes with free shipping.

To avail of this promo, just use the following code:

Coupon Code: 2SLEEP599
Expiry Date: September 8, 2010

2. Customized Cushion Cases

Design your own cushion case that will compliment your furniture and interior design. This cushion case is a perfect addition to your bedroom, lounge or you can even bring it with you in your car. And what is best about it is that you can get this cushion case for only $9.99 for 2 cushion cases and it even comes with free shipping.

To avail of this promo, just use the following code:

Coupon Code: 2CASES999
Expiry Date: September 11, 2010

ChooChoo Baby Online Store

I am so addicted to the multiply site of ChooChoo Baby. I checked their site almost every day to check for new items that are on sale.

ChooChoo Baby is an online site that sells items from the US like baby and toddlers clothes from Gap, Old Navy, Osh Kosh, etc; baby feeding and nursing items like Avent baby bottles; baby nursery and gears like stroller, diaper bags, play mat, etc. They also have a store in Davao and I am sure that their products there sell like pancakes because it is more encouraging to buy it if you see the actual look of the items as it is displayed in the cardboard displays as compared to just looking at the pictures. And not to mention that their prices are acceptable not like other sellers in multiply who charge almost three times the online price.

She has items coming soon this September to October and I am already eyeing at a number of items to buy for B and Jacobo. I just hope that I will find the budget so I can afford all that is included in my wish list.

Life of a Soldier

I was watching the news and heard that President Obama already finished the service of the American soldiers in Iraq. I can imagine how difficult life can be of the soldiers fighting in Iraq. I guess in a way I am happy with the decision of the president to relieve the soldiers from their duty in Iraq because thousands of American soldiers already died there.

I wonder how a day passes in a life of a soldier while they are on duty in Iraq. Maybe some of them are using this time to get online military degrees from MilitaryDegree.com. At MilitaryDegree.com, soldiers can use their free time while on duty to get an online college degree as the courses being offered here are tailored for US Military personnel. Another good thing about studying in MilitaryDegree.com is that soldiers can use their educational benefits as their tuition so they don’t need to shell out money from their own pocket.

Being a soldier is very difficult but I am really glad that MilitaryDegree.com offers online courses to the US soldiers so at least they can earn a college degree while performing their duties to their country.

Moving in Two Weeks

This is it, in just two weeks they will be moving to their new home. I am talking about my brother and his wife since their love nest will be finish in two weeks time which means that they will finally be able to move in to their new home.

They are currently living now with my parents but my sister-in-law is due to give birth on October so they want to move in before she gives birth so they have a much bigger space for the baby.

So far, the tiles, the bath tub, the shower and the water filter (which they bought from a wholesale water filter seller) have already been installed. The roofing and the ceiling has already been replaced and the kitchen tiles have been installed as well. They will be buying their furniture and appliances next week and after that they can move in.

I am so happy for my brother because I know this is what he wants for his family – their own place which they can call their own.

Quicker.com is Having a Blog Contest

In celebration of her birthday last August 8, my good friend Faye is having a blog contest. She will be giving away the following prizes to her lucky readers:

1st price - Ladies Chronograph (bic face) watch
2nd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (orange)
3rd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (floral)

You can check her blog to know more details about her blog contest. Contest will end on September 8 and the lucky winners of these gorgeous and generous giveaways from Faye will be announced on September 18, 2010. So don’t forget to check her blog to get the mechanics for this contest.


I am so stressed out right now and I really feel so sad and lonely because in just a few days I will be going back to work. If only I am smoking, I might have consumed a box of Swisher Sweets cigar already because of my depression.

I am not complaining and I am really thankful that I have a job to go back to after my 78 days of maternity leave. I really need this job and I really can’t afford to loose it so I should really be happy about it. But the nearer September 7 gets, the more depressed I am because it means that I will no longer be able to spend a lot of time with my two kids. I will surely miss giving B a bath, or putting Jacobo to sleep when it is time for his nap in the afternoon, or playing with B, and fetching her from school everyday.

If only I can afford to become a work-at-home mom so I can just stay at home and be with my kids 24x7. But my work is our bread and butter and at this point in our life, we can’t afford to become a single-income family. So I guess, I really have no choice but to suck this sadness up and get back to my groove as I go back to work on Tuesday.