Quicker.com is Having a Blog Contest

In celebration of her birthday last August 8, my good friend Faye is having a blog contest. She will be giving away the following prizes to her lucky readers:

1st price - Ladies Chronograph (bic face) watch
2nd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (orange)
3rd price - Kate Spade kikay kit (floral)

You can check her blog to know more details about her blog contest. Contest will end on September 8 and the lucky winners of these gorgeous and generous giveaways from Faye will be announced on September 18, 2010. So don’t forget to check her blog to get the mechanics for this contest.

1 Response to "Quicker.com is Having a Blog Contest"

  1. Faye Says:

    thanks for joining mare!:) Good luck!!!

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