Hair Talk

While my sister needs shampoo for thinning hair as she is experiencing hair loss, my hair is the exact opposite of my sister’s. My hair is so thick and full that it needs to be ironed or blow dried every morning.

I kept my hair long when I got pregnant as I know that I can’t have hair treatments like rebonding while I am pregnant and while breastfeeding. At least if I have a long hair, I can just tie it and it will be easier to manage for me. But I got tired of this hair style which I have been sporting for months now and so I went to a salon last week and had a haircut.

The hair stylist gave my hair a layered style and I was really happy with how it looks when I went out of the salon. But things change the next day as my unruly hair is back. In fairness to the hair stylist, she really told me that I have to iron my hair everyday if I want to maintain the nice layered look. But I don’t have the luxury of time and the patience to do it every morning (especially since I am always running late in the morning).

I guess I really have no choice but to have hair treatment but it has to wait until Jacobo is one year old already because I might start to wean him by that time therefore I can have my much needed hair rebonding treatment.

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