
I am so stressed out right now and I really feel so sad and lonely because in just a few days I will be going back to work. If only I am smoking, I might have consumed a box of Swisher Sweets cigar already because of my depression.

I am not complaining and I am really thankful that I have a job to go back to after my 78 days of maternity leave. I really need this job and I really can’t afford to loose it so I should really be happy about it. But the nearer September 7 gets, the more depressed I am because it means that I will no longer be able to spend a lot of time with my two kids. I will surely miss giving B a bath, or putting Jacobo to sleep when it is time for his nap in the afternoon, or playing with B, and fetching her from school everyday.

If only I can afford to become a work-at-home mom so I can just stay at home and be with my kids 24x7. But my work is our bread and butter and at this point in our life, we can’t afford to become a single-income family. So I guess, I really have no choice but to suck this sadness up and get back to my groove as I go back to work on Tuesday.

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