All Soul's Day

It is the first All Soul’s Day after my mother-in-law passed away. My husband and his siblings will all be going to the province to visit and pay respect to their mom who passed away just a few months ago.

Their initial plan was that his siblings will leave on the 29th of October and since my husband can’t go with them on the 29th, he will just take the plane to go there. But I don’t know why they had a change of plans last minute so it turns out, hubby even arrived a day before his siblings.

If it was only me who will decide, I will prefer that hubby take a plane ride back and forth. My first reason is that the van that they are using for that 16-hour drive is not even in good working condition and I am not even sure if their insurance includes emergency roadside assistance so at least I will be sure that they can get help whatever happens to them on the road. Second reason is that a 16-hour drive is very tiring and since hubby still has to go to work the next day, it will be easy on his body if he takes a 45-minute plane ride instead. Third reason is that I feel paranoid for their safety every time they go home as they usually leave in the evening and they will drive overnight so I am not sure of the condition of the driver plus there are a lot of accidents that happened in that area which makes me really feel paranoid of their safety.

But sometimes hubby can be really stubborn and he sometimes think that I am just being hard on him or I am just being selfish so he never listens. He will be one of the designated driver on their way back home (and I don’t even know when they plan to go home) and all I can do is just pray for their safety.

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