Future Plans

It's been almost the end of the year and I bet everyone is looking forward for the year 2011. And as the year starts, many people will start a new life since for some, new year may signify a new beginning.

As for me, since I've been working really hard for more than a decade now, I am actually planning to take another step forward and start to expand my horizons.

Hubby and I know that we can't stay in our job for a long time. There will come a point that we need to stop working due to our age and capabilities. And so I decided that we can start investing into something profitable that is sure to have benefits in the future. We were actually thinking of having a new biz or investing into gold bullion or perhaps real estate properties. We've read a lot of reviews about our options and we are really considering the different facts that can be an advantage or disadvantage, especially when it comes to our profit.

So far, we haven't finalized our decision yet but I am sure that we will push through with whatever options that we will choose since we know that we can't just depend on our income from our job to support our family.

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