Stay Fit and Eat Healthy

It's been 4 months already since I gave birth to my second child. As you all know, when women get pregnant, it's always a fact that they will gain weight. And as expected, that's exactly what happened to me.

I gained a lot of weight from my last pregnancy and until now, you can still see the evidence of it. But fortunately, I've lost a couple of pounds already since I'm on a diet and I really manage to lessen the intake of carbohydrates.

As of now, I still don't have plans of taking pills like Lipofuze because I'm still breastfeeding my baby. But perhaps, when he turns 1 year old, I might start considering taking it to help me lose weight faster and easily get back into shape.

For now, even though I'm on a diet, I always make sure that what I eat will be nutritious to myself and most especially, to my baby.

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