Black Friday Loots

Twitterlandia was such as happy place this morning as all my friends were just so ecstatic after each of them received the package that they have been waiting for months which contain their Black Friday loots. Their package contains everything that you can think of from Corelle plates, to Sony VAIO laptop, to Black and Decker tools, toys for their kidlets and even Victoria Secret underwear.

I was so busy at work that day when they are all growing crazy emailing their personal shopper, our good friend Glo, their wish lists so I was not able to join them in their Black Friday sale adventure. Oh well, I guess it is a blessing in disguise in a way (although their loots were all good deals as they were really able to get big discounts) because I was spared from shopping again. And I am sure there will still be more sales coming soon (but I bet it will be nothing like Black Friday sale. LOL).

Ok, enough of my bitterness. I just have to try my luck next time.

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