Hotel Accomodations: Booked

Yehey, we are finally booked for our early summer getaway on March 6-8. My cousin was able to negotiate a good rate for us since his boss knows the marketing manager of the resort. We booked four rooms for all of us and we will just add another room if ever my brother and his family decides to join us for this trip.

Crimson Resort is a new resort in Mactan which is beside Shangri-La. I think they just opened October last year so the facilities are still almost new. They are a five star resort like Shangri-La so I am sure that we made the right choice for our hotel accommodation since we can get the same five star resort treatment as Shangri-la (with butler service, hair and hand dryers in the restrooms, spa facilities, sports recreation facilities, etc) but at a fraction of the price of Shangri-La.

This would have been a perfect vacation for us but my only regret is hubby can’t join us for this trip as he can’t take a day off since it is their scheduled move to their new building. But I am sure, with Jacobo and B and with the rest of my family, it will still be one fun (and riot) vacation.

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