My Boy

Now that Jacobo is seven months old, he loves grabbing things and putting it on his month. I don’t know why for some reason, one of his favorite is my iPhone. Maybe it is the big, bright display that attracts him and since the size is just right for his hands, he can easily play with it (which makes me want to buy good iphone 3g cases that can protect my iPhone in case Jacobo drops it) and toss it from one hand to the other.


I have been updating my blog about Jacobo as he is growing up so fast that I can’t cope up with his milestones and it is only through blogging that I can get to document those important milestones in Jacobo’s life. He is actually busy right now with his play class in Gymboree and I am actually thinking of enrolling him to swim class when he finishes with Gymboree.

I am sure I will be surprise at how fast my baby boy will grow. But for now I will enjoy hugging and kissing my boy while he still allows me.

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