Busy June

June I think will be my busiest month. In fact I am so dreading June because I am sure I will all be stress out with everything that I will need to attend to this June:

• Jacobo’s First birthday: Jacobo will be turning one this coming June 21 and we will have a party with our friends and relatives on June 25. Almost everything is setup already but there are still a few minor details that I need to iron out before the party.
• Our Move to our new house. The seller of the house promised that we can move in by end of June. I am excited as this is our dream home but I realized that moving houses is such a big job especially now that we have a lot of stuff already from our old house. How I wish moving houses is as quick as building a home using mobile homes then I will not be this stress out.
• Start of school for B. I haven’t even shopped for her school supplies but I already asked a favor from my sister if she can go to B’s school on May 16, which is the schedule of enrolment, to enrol B for Sr. Prep
• Deadline for my Performance Appraisal. I was not able to finish my performance appraisal before I took a 3 week vacation leave, so it will be crunch time to beat the deadline when I return back from work come June 2.

So a lot of major things will happen to our family this June, so I hope I can get myself together to successfully accomplish everything

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