
My kids getting sick is one of my biggest fears for this trip. I prayed hard but I guess fatigue, change of time zones and extreme weather condition can really take a toll on our body that is why my two kids got sick during our vacation.

First was Jacobo who got diarrhea with fever on our second day in New York. I really feel guilty and I regretted bringing my kids to this trip but thankfully, his fever was gone the next day.

Next was B during our stay in Canada. She got stomach flu that she vomits every time she drinks milk. She even have rashes and fever also.

I monitored their condition the whole night when they got sick. Thankfully I got a reliable thermometer which I loaded with good batteries which I got from the online store where I buy makita batteries so I was able to check their temperature round the clock.

We have four days left before we go back to Manila. I really enjoyed this trip and this quality time with my family but I am glad that we are finally going home, back to our comfort zone.

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