What Doximity Can Do

Do you suffer from migraine? Well if you do, you are probably taking Topamax. Topamax is a medicine use to treat migraine. It is also an anti convulsant use to treat epileptic patients. But what most of us don’t know is that it has been proven to increase the risk of causing birth defects when moms take this drug when they are expecting. Such birth defects can include cleft lip.

I have been doing some reading and I confirmed that there are a lot of victims caused by side effects from taking different medicines. It could be the fault of the manufacturer for failing to put additional information on the drugs that they are producing, it could also be the fault of the doctor who prescribed the medicine to the patient.

But if only physicians can have easy access to information such as this from the internet or by simply communicating with their colleagues, then chances of these kinds of problems will be lessen and this is the aim of the application Doximity.

Doximity is an application available on smart phones and even via Internet that lets a private network of physician consult with each other. They can do a lot of things with Doximity like check profile of a particular physician like Phillip Porch MD, send an instant message to a colleague, share information and many more.

With Doximity, doctors can communicate with each other faster and easily, which can lessen chances of committing medical mistakes.

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