Flat 1

1…not really my favorite number. But when I saw that I got a grade of flat 1 in my Computer Ethics subject, I was really glad. Computer Ethics has been my favorite subject for my first semester in UP-OU. I even love our professor since he really tailored his teaching styles with an online course.

He posted all the requirements during the first week of the semester so we already have a clear view of the requirements that we need to finish for the subject . The deadlines for each requirement are also posted so we can really plan and manage our time well to finish all the requirements. He also made the topics for discussion very interesting and not just straight from the textbooks questions. He is also very considerate with deadlines as he knows that most of us are working students.

I really learned a lot form this subject and I am really glad that I was able to experience my first semester in UP-OU with Sir GGR. Thanks again sir, I really learned a lot and thank you for recognizing our efforts.

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