Fleet Program = Corporate Savings

Are you one of those companies who want to save big and instead of providing each of their employees with company owned vehicle, they just let their mobile employees use their private vehicle for business and just reimburse the expenses afterwards? Well if you answer yes, then you should definitely consider the Fleet program of Corporate Reimbursement Services Inc.

CRS can help company reduce costs in providing company owned vehicles to their employees, maintenance cost and the need for a staff to manage the reimbursement procedure of the employees. What CRS does is they manage all the reimbursement of all the mobile employees of their clients. They provide each employee with a reimbursement schedule to compute their reimbursement rate which the employee can easily access just by logging in to CRS’s website. By doing this, the employees have full confidence that all their reimbursement are accounted for and the company is confident that only business related expenses are being reimbursed to them.

I am sure all companies will find the fleet program of CRS very useful in the management of the employees’ reimbursement and it will surely help companies save thousand of dollars. Do check out their website for more information.

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