Prayer can really move mountains

Prayer can really move mountains. My kumareng Peachy launched a Prayer brigade yesterday. She posted it in Twitter and in her Facebook account and she asked that we all pray at 3 PM for all our families to be safe especially that another typhoon is threatening to hit our country.

And our prayers have been answered. They say that typhoon Pepeng and category 5 typhoon and is even much stronger than Ondoy and Hurricane Katrina that hit the United States. I was really scared for my family, for the Filipinos who still remain homeless because of the havoc that was caused by Ondoy. Most of the victims haven’t recovered yet from the tragedy and yet another danger looms them. But I am really happy that God has answered our prayers. It is already 12:36 AM and we haven’t experienced any heavy rains here in Metro Manila and hopefully Pepeng will eventually live the Philippine Area of Responsibility without claiming any lives and damage to property.

Let us continue praying for each other’s safety.

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