Is Working Hard

Gosh a lot of expenses are lined u for me this month. Well actually I like to do a lot of things like:

• Book for an overnight stay at Punta Fuego as B is really asking us if we can take her to the beach.
• Then we have a family outing too for my side of the family.
• I also need to do some shopping for baby boy’s stuffs like his feeding bottles, stroller, clothes, and others.
• I also want to reward myself and buy another Long Champ bags.

I think my list will go on and on. So I am really serious in doing some job search from so I can look for a part time job that I can have as a sideline so I have a source of funds for the extra things that I like.

So far I have four prospective sidelines already. I am actually overwhelmed by the amount of work that has to be done but I am hoping that I can do it. Besides it is extra money for me, which means extra money so my family can splurge (and enjoy) a little.

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