On my Last Trimester

I am already on my last trimester of pregnancy. I can’t believe that time flies that fast. In less than two months, I am on my full term already and in no time we will be seeing our baby boy.

I can still remember when I was still on my first trimester. My pregnancy this time is different than my first as I had a hard time. I was advised to take bed rest for more than a month. I actually prefer to just stay at home during that time as I can’t function anyways because I feel dizzy and nauseated the whole day. I even look worse as I have big pimples and acne which I think is brought about by the hormonal change that I am experiencing since I am having a baby boy. If only I am not pregnant that time, I will not think twice to buy acne treatments as I have the worse pimples and acne breakouts that time.

Everything was smooth sailing after the first trimester. I was able to go back to work and had no problems ever since which I am really very thankful. I also had my 4D ultrasound and congenital anomaly scan already and everything is normal.

Now I am on my third trimester already. I am getting heavier and heavier everyday that it is getting difficult for me to walk. Thanks to my dad who fetches me from work everyday, at least I don’t have to commute when going home.

I am really feeling excited and anxious now. I can’t wait to see my baby boy!

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