My Grandfather

The brother of my grand father has been diagnosed to have Stage 4 Cancer. Everybody in the family was really saddened by the news. He is single and so he has no kids to take care of him. Only her youngest sister and my aunt are the ones who are attending to his needs right now. Everyday they will go to his place to check on him and attend to his needs. He doesn’t want to be confined in a hospital since he knows that there is really nothing that can be done for his condition. He doesn’t even want to have chemo therapy as he believes that it is just useless since the cancer was discovered when it was already at its worse stage. He just relies on high grade type of pain reliever because he admits that it is the physical pain cause by the disease that he cannot bear.

Thank goodness that we can rely on JazzMedical for his medical supplies. We just order everything online and it will be delivered to my grand father’s house so we are sure that all his medical supplies are always complete. What we like about JazzMedical is that they offer low prices on their site so it is a big savings for us since we will need all the savings that we can get so we can be sure that we can provide for all the medical expenses that our grandfather needs. They even accept multiple payment methods like credit cards and Paypal so it is a big convenience.

I just hope and pray that my grand father will not suffer that much because of this sickness.

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