Christmas Shopping

I can’t believe that it is just less than three weeks away before Christmas and I just started with my Christmas shopping last weekend. I checked off some names from my list but I tell you, the names that I checked are not even close to half.

So far, I did some shopping already for:

• My dad and bought him Lacoste polo shirts. We went to Rockwell last night so to makes things easy (as he is really picky when it comes to clothes), I asked him to personally pick that shirt that he likes and I bought it as our Christmas gift for him.
• My mom and bought her a nice dress from Dorothy Perkins.
• My sister when we went to Paseo de Sta Rosa last Sunday and I bought her Havaianas slippers.
• And my cousin Aliah where I got her a Havaianas slipper too.

So far I have some idea already on what t give my other relatives like I just have to look for cigars stores online where I can buy our gift for my brother-in-law and I am thinking of getting day pass tickets at Ocean Park as our gift for hubby’s nephews.

We have the time this Saturday while waiting for B’s ballet practice to finish to do some shopping at Robinsons. Hopefully I can finish shopping for B’s classmates, teachers and my mommy friends from B’s school.

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