Manny Pacquiao: My Husband's Idol

As I mentioned in my previous entry, we went to Rocwell last night for some quick shopping. We were already on our way to eat dinner when hubby saw a store which sells Manny Pacquiao action figures. Of course hubby got interested again as he is one big fan of Pacman. Who wouldn’t? Even I was impressed by Manny.

I watched his last match with Margarito and I was really proud of how a good boxer Manny is. I was even scared at first because Margarito is definitely bigger than Manny but he was still no match to Manny. I got even worried during the last few rounds as Margarito was all beaten up already and I even wished that he knows about Allsup so he can get help from them in getting his social security benefits. Even Manny got worried too as Manny kept on looking at the referee and is waiting for the referee to end the game already.

But credit has to be given to Margarito too as he himself doesn’t want to end the fight and he wants to finish it till the end. But Manny is really a great boxer and I guess even a big guy like Margarito is still no match for Manny.

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