I was just watching the news and was saddened when they feature the plight of our educational system here in the Philippines. With the advent of computer and Internet, there are still some public schools who don’t even have a computer room where the kids can learn.
If only our government can pool something to have a budget for at least the hardware and then they can just load it with free open source software so the students can have the basics on how to use the computer and the Internet.
Here are just some of the free and downloadable software that can be use by public schools:
1. Open Office. This suite is like the Microsoft and Word Perfect suite which can be use for word, spreadsheet and presentation processing.
2. Free
Graphics Software Blender. Blender is a graphic application software that can be use to create 3D graphic animations.
3. File Sharing Software like
Ares and
Amule. Both of this software are downloadable and can be use to teach the concept of file sharing, networking, and peer-to-peer concept.
4. Audio Software like
Audacity. This is free open source software that can be use for editing and recording audio sounds.
5. Media Player like
BS Player which can play videos in any format.
These are just some of the few free software that can easily be downloaded for use and I am sure there are more.
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Del Monte Kitchenomics is offering a lot of summer class this coming May that you may like to try:
1. Chinese Cooking. If you are a lover of Chinese food, then this course is perfect so you can learn to whip up some Chinese meals after taking this course.
This class will be on May 7 from 10am-5pm. Fee for this course is P2,800.
2. Healthy Baon for Kids. Are you running out of ideas for your kids’ snack for the coming school year. Then try out this course to discover new ideas for healthy and tasteful snacks for your kids.
This is a free demo class which will be held on May 19 from 2 PM – 4 PM.
3. Cooking for Kids. This class is for kids age 7 – 12 years old.
This class will be on May 21 from 10 am – 5 PM. Fee for this class is P2,800.
4. Quick Breakfast Ideas. As what they always say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day so it would be nice to prepare something appetizing for breakfast and with this class, preparing delicious breakfast meals will be easy.
This class will be held on May 26 at 2 Pm – 4 PM and this is a free demo class.
5. Popular Japanese Cooking. Learn to prepare Japanese dishes by enrolling in this class.
Class will be on May 28 from 10 AM – 5 PM. Fee is P2,800.
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I am so excited for April 29 to watch the Royal Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William. I am sure everybody will be tuning in to watch out for it as it will be the wedding of the decade for sure.
Not much information is given about the wedding. All we know for now is that the service will be held at Westminster Abbey. After the service, there will be a wedding procession and will past some of London's most famous landmarks. Of course the reception will be held at the Buckingham Palace to be hosted by her Majesty, the Queen.
I wonder how their first night will be. Will she wear those
sexy nurse lingerie on their first night? LOL. Kate and Prince William have been going out for eight years before the prince finally asked for Kate’s hand to marry him in the holy sacrament of matrimony. Their love story is very interesting knowing that Kate is just a commoner but she came from a family whom they say are self made millionaires. She and her siblings all went to good schools and that is where Kate met Prince William.
All invitations have been sent already and looks like everything is all set for the wedding. Now I can’t wait to see how a modern Royal Wedding goes.
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I saw the photo books that my friends have created in Artscow and I am just so envious. My hats off to them as I know how time consuming it is to create those.
I really wanted to create photo books to keep memories of our kids but my plate is really full that I can’t find the time to sit down and turn my kids’ pictures to nice photo books. I was only able to create two photo books, and got stuck in that number.

Maybe these promos from Artscow can inspire me as they really offer great deals for their Photo books which even come with free shipping. Imagine for only $3.99 you can create hardback 20-paged 7” x 5” photo book. Just use this promo code to avail of the promo:
This promo code is valid until April 4, 2011 only so add it to your account now.
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