
Holy Week is a great time for us to reflect on our lives. I was crying this morning when I saw a video of a child who has a congenital heart disease. I was deeply touched and moved by her story because my daughter also has the same heart condition although we are just lucky because she did not need to have an operation.

All the more now I feel blessed and thankful for all the blessings that God has given us. We are lucky because our daughter was healed through His miracles while there are some families who can’t even afford to go to the doctor to have their condition check. There were even some who have to consult a lawyer like the attorneys of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath law firm so they can get help in filing for a Crestor lawsuit as they believe that their heart condition was triggered after taking the medicine Crestor, a medicine use to treat high cholesterol. At least if they consult with O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath, they will be guaranteed to have a good support to help them win the case and get a just settlement.

Everyday is a blessing from God and so we should live our lives in a way that we are making good use of that blessing.

Have a blessed and meaningful Holy week everyone.

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