Nanny Woes

My nanny left last night for a one week vacation a week before we leave for our US trip She had an accident the other night when she slipped while walking. She thought that she was pregnant as she was delayed for two months and so when she had bleeding the morning after the accident, she thought she had miscarriage.

My parents brought her to the doctor and it was verified via ultrasound (which was done two times) and a pregnancy test that there was no sign that she was pregnant or she had a miscarriage. The bleeding that she experience was just her regular menstrual period.

And so I thought she will cancel her initial plan of taking a week off because she was never pregnant and she did not have any miscarriage after all. At least not before we leave as she can take three weeks off with pay, while we are on vacation.

I understood her plight as she maybe is still depressed. Maybe she feels sad because she was expecting a baby or maybe she still thinks that she is pregnant and she does not want to believe the tests and the doctor.

This would have been my time to feel excited for the trip. I can actually imagine the POS systems in the Outlet stores that we will be visiting in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and New York. I can already imagine the tours that we will be joining. I can already imagine the happiness on my kids’ face as they will surely have fun in this trip. But instead I have more than a week left to feel stress because I don’t have a nanny to take care of my two kids will I go to work.

But at least my parents are with us to support us and I know things happen for a reason. And it is just a week. I am sure we can deal with this.

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