Tons of Free Software for Use

I was just watching the news and was saddened when they feature the plight of our educational system here in the Philippines. With the advent of computer and Internet, there are still some public schools who don’t even have a computer room where the kids can learn.

If only our government can pool something to have a budget for at least the hardware and then they can just load it with free open source software so the students can have the basics on how to use the computer and the Internet.

Here are just some of the free and downloadable software that can be use by public schools:

1. Open Office. This suite is like the Microsoft and Word Perfect suite which can be use for word, spreadsheet and presentation processing.
2. Free Graphics Software Blender. Blender is a graphic application software that can be use to create 3D graphic animations.
3. File Sharing Software like Ares and Amule. Both of this software are downloadable and can be use to teach the concept of file sharing, networking, and peer-to-peer concept.
4. Audio Software like Audacity. This is free open source software that can be use for editing and recording audio sounds.
5. Media Player like BS Player which can play videos in any format.

These are just some of the few free software that can easily be downloaded for use and I am sure there are more.

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