Lush& Gucci Gives Back to Japan

Fashion gives back to Japan through the efforts of Lush and Gucci.

Lush USA produced a limited edition Charity Pot body lotions priced at $5 and a cherry-scented Rising Sun Soap which is being sold at $5.95. All the profits from these two products will be donated to Peace Boat. Peace Boat is a Japan-based non-profit organization who will transport all aid to all the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. These two limited edition products are now being sold online at and in all Lush stores.

Gucci also created a product whose sales will also be donated to aid relief in Japan. They created Gucci limited-edition calfskin bracelet. This bracelet features Japan’s flag with its red and white band colors and it has a medal with a message, “Gucci loves you.” This bracelet is being sold at $100 and will be launched this coming April 23. Proceeds from the sale of this bracelet will be donated to Red Cross.

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