New Moon on the 20th

November 20 is the date, for the showing of the much awaited second installment of the Twilight saga, New Moon. Have you seen the trailer? Here it is:

I can feel Bella’s pain when Edward said goodbye. I really miss Edward here as he is almost not present the entire story. But boy, Jacob did a good job in taking Edward’s place (although I know that most Edward fans will not agree with me as I know that Edward can’t be replace in Bella’s heart). I actually don’t like how Jacob looks in the Twilight movie and I feel that he did not do justice on how he was described in the book but boy, how he transformed in the New Moon movie.

My MBAP friends are actually planning to watch it on the 20th but sadly it is a work day so I can’t take a leave from work. But I will be having a movie date with my cousins, maybe on the 22nd. I am so excited already. I can’t wait to see Edward, Bella and Jacob again.

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