On Online Shopping

In just a few days, it will be Thanksgiving Sale and Black Friday sale again so I am really saving up for this sale. I am a frequent online shopper. I buy most of our stuffs online. Why you may ask? Well it is because rates are cheaper as compared to prizes here in my side of the world and they even offer items that I won’t be able to find at local stores here. And especially if items are on sale, I really have huge savings.

Since I shop online, I often exposed my credit card details to potential hackers and criminals. I read that identity theft is one of the major crimes committed in the United States and though I love the benefit that online shopping brings, it still makes me concerned about the possibility that my credit card information can be stolen too.

That is why every time I shop online, I check to make sure that the website where I am ordering is using visa PCI compliant merchant solutions. With this method, every time I entered my credit card details, this information are tokenized and are redirected to Braintree’s website behind the scene so payment information stays in a vault and never reaches the merchant’s server. This increase the security of the website, thus reducing the risk of stolen credit card information.

Thank goodness for this kind of technology, at least I can enjoy the benefits of online shopping and I still feel secured about my financial information.

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