Tips to Break Out of a Rut

Since our daughter was so behave during our flight from Manila to Singapore, I was able to do some reading during the flight. One article from SMILE Magazine, Cebu Pacific’s in flight magazine, caught my attention and decided to copy it.

Different Tips to Break Out of a Rut

The Rut: Living in the same old house
The Rut Buster: Dress your nest with new curtains, furniture, or a fresh paint job. Get all your need for this from Home Depot.
The Bonus: Shop now at Home Depot and qualify to join the big Auto Lotto and possibly win P500, 000 and more from Home Depot.

The Rut: Being land locked
The Rut Buster: Learn to fly a plane with new Cebu based aviation firm, Aviator. Taxi, take off, cruise, and control a Cessna 152 plane (price is between P7,500 to P14,000).
The Bonus: Get a bird’s eye view of the beaches, coves, and islands around Cebu, Siargao, Camiguin and Bohol.

The Rut: Meeting in a drab office room.
The Rut Buster: Cebu’s Imperial Palace water park resort and Spa has four collapsible meeting rooms and a grand hall.
The Bonus: Take a break at the resort’s two pools.

The Rut: Being highly stressed.
The Rut Buster: Treat yourself for a Philippine Hilot massage of the delicious Choco Cocoa Body Wrap or Tropical Fruity Luscious Body Scrub at the Spa in Cebu.
The Bonus: More than the treatment, you’ll feel pampered by the restful ambiance of the large landscaped garden and the spacious suites.
Credits: SMILE Magazine, Cebu Pacific’s in flight magazine

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