Photography for Kids & Teens @ the Alcove

Are you looking for activities for your kids this summer? Then you can check out this Summer Photography workshop for kids and teens that the Alcove is offering.

1. Photography for Kids
This workshop is open for kids 7-12 years old. Each student should bring any digital camera during the workshop. The speaker for the workshop is Dennis Balangue who is a semi-professional photographer for six years already.

The workshop will be held on May 8, from 9 AM - 12 nn. The workshop will teach the students the basic of photography through classroom lecture, supervised photo shoot and a photo clinic.

Topics that will be discussed during the workshop include:

• What is photography? Definition and history
• Exposure, as related to the importance of light in photography
• Composing and designing photographs for visual impact
• Basic camera parts (and how to maximize each)
• Different shooting applications

The fee for the class is P1,500 which includes handouts, snacks, and certificate.

2. Photography for Teens

Students who wish to enroll for this workshop must be 13 years old and above. Each student should bring any digital camera during the workshop. The speaker for the workshop is Jay Alonzo who is a photographer for magazines such as High Life and Mabuhay (Philippine Airline's in-flight magazine).

The workshop will be held on May 8, from 9 AM – 5 PM. The workshop will teach the students the basic of photography covering both the aesthetic and technical aspects through a lecture, actual photo shoots, working in a digital darkroom (demo only), and a photo clinic.

Topics that will be discussed during the workshop include:

• Understanding light for photography
• Maximizing the use of the digital camera
• Composing and designing a photograph for visual impact
• Seeing with a photographic eye
• PLUS: Tips on shooting people, architecture, product, still life, low-light, and other applications

The fee for the class is P2,500 which includes handouts, meals, and certificate.

Pre registration is required (until April 30, 2010) to reserve a slot. To register, a 50% non-refundable partial payment is required. Full payment is due on the first day of class. A 5% discount will be given to those who will pay in full before the class starts.

Both classes will be held at the Filipinas Heritage Library, Makati Avenue, Ayala Triangle, Makati City (across from The Peninsula Manila). For more details, please call 892-1801, send an SMS to 0917-559-4417, email or visit

1 Response to "Photography for Kids & Teens @ the Alcove"

  1. sadsads Says:

    Good work. Two Thumbs Up. Hope we can exchange link please visit my blog once in awhile. Thanks.

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