The Best

If before I need over the counter sleep aids to get a good night sleep, now that baby boy is already here, I need something to help me stay up all night. LOL.

I promised that I will really try harder this time to succeed in breastfeeding and so I have been breastfeeding our dear baby boy even at night. And since he feeds almost every hour, this means I am awake almost every hour too.

But my baby boy is such a very good boy because he never cries unless he is hungry. If his tummy is full, he just plays quietly in his crib or he just snuggled quietly and comfortably in his co-sleeper.

Baby boy is thirteen days old now and looks like he gained a lot of weight already. We will be visiting his pediatrician on the 21st of July and we will see how much weight he has gained. Now I know that breastfeeding is really the best milk for babies and I am glad that I really worked harder this time to give my baby boy nothing but the best.

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